The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences
The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences (IBCH PAS) and its affiliated Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) bring together scientists and engineers from various disciplines, including biologists, chemists, and bioinformaticians. Our common interest lies in understanding and describing life at all levels, ranging from individual molecules to entire populations. In 2023, in celebration of the 35th anniversary of the establishment of IBCH PAS and the 30th anniversary of the opening of PSNC, we are organizing a two-day conference centered around our shared passion for life and science.
The scientific conference „Understand and Describe Life”, organised on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS in Poznan and the 30th anniversary of the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre, will take place on 14-15 November in Poznan at Concordia Design, located at Zwierzyniecka 3, Poznan.
The event will bring together leading scientists from Poland and abroad involved in the study of life in its many aspects and at different levels of organisation.
The conference will be divided into six thematic sessions:
- Life at the molecular level
- Life at the single cell level
- Life at the organismal level
- Life at the population level
- Synthetic life
- Digital and virtual life.
For more information, please visit the event website:
Konferencja naukowa „Understand and Describe Life”, organizowana z okazji 35-lecia Instytutu Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN w Poznaniu i 30-lecia Poznańskiego Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowego odbędzie się w dniach 14-15 listopada w Poznaniu w Concordia Design ul. Zwierzyniecka 3, Poznań.
W wydarzeniu wezmą udział czołowi naukowcy z kraju i zagranicy zajmujący się badaniem życia w wielu jego aspektach i na różnych poziomach organizacji.
Konferencja podzielona jest na sześć sesji tematycznych:
- Life at the molecular level
- Life at the single cell level
- Life at the organismal level
- Life at the population level
- Synthetic life
- Digital and virtual life.
Więcej informacji o wydarzeniu: